Open joint stock company "SIBUR Holding" (SIBUR hereafter) is a uniquely positioned gas processing and petrochemicals company with a business model focused on the integrated operation of its two core segments – feedstock and petrochemicals.
As of 31 December 2014, the Group operated 26 production sites, had over 1,400 large customers operating in the energy, automotive, construction, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), chemical and other industries in approximately 70 countries and employed over 25,000 personnel.
By the time of start of the project at OJSC "SIBUR Holding", works on IT infrastructure modernization aimed to create single center of change management and monitoring for all enterprises had started.
The scope of work, as well as deadlines required to engage external skilled professionals to execute these works.
As early as the stage of tendering procedures, Clearway Integration company proved to be highly qualified in this area of interest. The experience of previous efficient work with Clearway Integration company allowed OJSC "SIBUR Holding" to be more confident that works would be executed with due quality and in due time.
Within the project scope, at SIBUR central-office company and its subsidiary companies the core of UWMS (User Workplace Management System) and MS (Management System) deployed in Corporate Center was analyzed and further designed. Architectural solution of inter-site links was designed. Model of rights separation of IT personnel and procedures of collecting additional inventory and monitoring information was developed. Basing on mentioned project solutions following technical works were performed successfully:
- UWMS based on Microsoft System Center Configuration Manger 2012 R2 was deployed at the sites of 9 subsidiaries and affiliates of OJSC “SIBUR Holding” (20 servers).
- Management System based on Microsoft System Center Operation Manager 2012 R2 was deployed at the sites of 9 subsidiaries and affiliates (12 servers).
- Packages of automated software installation were developed (9 packages).
- 3 scenarios of automated deployment of operating systems of different versions (Windows 7 (x86 и x64), Windows 8.1. (x64)) saving existing user data were developed for each of subsidiaries and affiliates.
- Reports on resource availability and user activities based on UWMS agent data were developed, the reports meet requirements of information security (7 reports).
- A specialized system of collecting and proceeding events of Monitoring System for Exchange mail system and 1C systems as well as further visualization of this information according to SLA of SIBUR were developed.
It is especially worth mentioning that following functionality restrictions of MS SCOM were discovered during development of interface of Exchange monitoring system:
- Lack of the tool of monitoring dashboards migration between subsidiaries and affiliates that eliminated the possibility of their simple replication to subsidiaries and affiliates.
- Without use of dashboards of monitoring or Visio Services, it is impossible to implement MS Exchange monitoring dashboard offered by the customer.
To implement extended functionality of monitoring system required by the customer, specialists of Clearway Integration had developed a specialized component of monitoring data presentation that allowed bypassing the restrictions listed above.
Carried out works allowed SIBUR company to reduce significantly load of IT specialists at Corporate center and subsidiaries and affiliates for a variety of routine tasks, to increase the level of information security and to use information being collected to calculate performance measurements of IT personnel. Furthermore, the project allowed reducing risks and potential idle time of IT services due to earlier finding of incidents.
Specialists of Clearway Integration together with specialists of OJSC “SIBUR Holding” managed to find possibility to minimize effect of organizational factors listed above on the project results. In spite of technical and organizational difficulties appeared during the project, high skills of the experts of Clearway Integration allowed making required modifications of the solution within time limits specified by OJSC “SIBUR Holding”. As a result of the collaboration all main works (listed in requirements specification) were executed with due quality and in due limited time.
After specialists of Clearway Integration had executed all main works, the experts basing on their view of needs of OJSC “SIBUR Holding” offered to modify the solution by including additional reports into it. Information collected in these reports allowed specialists of OJSC “SIBUR Holding” to simplify procedure of existing workstations status monitoring based on SCCM.